Via Degli Eucalipti, 3Fonteblanda
The lodging house I Leoncini offers its guests kindness and a warm welcome. It is situated 5 minutes from Talamone (Scoglio) and 5 minutes from the beach in Fonteblanda, one of the most beautiful and picturesque places in Tuscany.
You will also find wide terraces and a car park. Our four bedrooms are bright and well-furnished, provided with bathroom, heating and kitchen.
The lodging house I Leoncini will make your holiday in Tuscany unforgettable.
Average price: N.d. €
Booking or request information
The request for information is not binding and does not constitute a booking.
Will answer directly the business offering the best price for the required treatment
Phone: 0564 884938 - 347 9241863
Restaurant Bar Safe Spa service Credit Cards Congress Miniclub
GPS Data
Lat: 42.565187137447545
Long: 11.167001724243164